Sunday, July 17, 2011

2009 Radio Boca Tempranillo

A wine with the name of Radio Boca? - well I had to pick it up down at my local World Market just for the name alone. Hmm - the wine is nice and smooth too. What - you say? They have a Facebook page for the wine? Wow - now that is a bit over the top - even if I am only the 59th person to like the site. Not only a nice Facebook page, but a really nice website too? Ok - now that is impressive. And the wine is impressive too - 100% Tempranillo and if I had to guess it has a bit of residual sugar to round out the edges. That's OK - I'm pretty sure it's is gonna go well with the BBQ Chicken Breasts that are on the grill.

Some propaganda from the website:

Radio Boca is from Valencia. You've probably heard of Valencia in reference to its famous oranges, or its famous dish, the Paella. There's also a raucous festival in Valencia, The Falles known worldwide for its all night revelry. But Valencia also produces a very fine Tempranillo. The Tempranillo in Radio Boca grows mostly on the mountainside, on head pruned vines 25-50 years old. Altitude with attitude. The soils vary from dark miocene to chalky lime. Balmy days, brisk nights. What's not to like for a vine living in Valencia?? The people from Valencia make a point of getting the most out of life. So do the wines.


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