Ebay Rock 45's
Each Friday, I post a select group of 5 rock 45's that sold on Ebay recently.
Here's the list for Friday, the 5th of November, 2010
Marvin Gaye This Love Starved Heart Of Mine $326.55
From the Auction:
Marvin Gaye This Love Starved Heart of Mine b/w It's a Desperate Situation Tamla Very rare issue!

Frenzy Robot Riot $299.99
Wrecking Pit info on the Band:
Frenzy are a 3 piece band, formed in the August of 1983, during the successful revival of the Rock-a-Billy music scene around that time.

Sudden Fun Sudden Fun $245.50
The one and only 7″ by Californias Sudden Fun deserves to be posted for one reason and one reason only: the first track.
Nasty Facts Drive My Car $229.99
From Killed By Death:
The one and only release from N.Y. Nasty Facts. Words can’t describe how great this little bit of plastic is.

Manchester Playboys Wooly Bully $224.50
From the Manchester Beat website:
The Playboys had a No 1 hit in France with a four-track EP on Barclay records where the ‘A’ track was ‘Woolly Bully’ coupled with two James Brown songs – ‘And I do Just What I Want’ & ‘Tell Me What You’re Gonna Do’, and ‘Lipstick Traces’.
300 bucks for a FRENZY ep! wow!